

Declaration [src]

cogl_program_set_uniform_matrix (
  CoglHandle program,
  int uniform_location,
  int dimensions,
  int count,
  gboolean transpose,
  const float* value

Description [src]

Changes the value of a matrix uniform, or uniform array in the given linked program.

Available since:1.4
Deprecated since:1.16

Use CoglSnippet api instead.


program CoglHandle

A CoglHandle for a linked program.

uniform_location int

The uniform location retrieved from cogl_program_get_uniform_location().

dimensions int

The dimensions of the matrix. So for for example pass 2 for a 2x2 matrix or 3 for 3x3.

count int

For uniform arrays this is the array length otherwise just pass 1

transpose gboolean

Whether to transpose the matrix when setting the uniform.

value An array of float

The new value of the uniform.

 The length of the array is specified in the count argument.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.