

Declaration [src]

cogl_program_set_uniform_float (
  CoglHandle program,
  int uniform_location,
  int n_components,
  int count,
  const float* value

Description [src]

Changes the value of a float vector uniform, or uniform array for the given linked program.

Available since:1.4
Deprecated since:1.16

Use CoglSnippet api instead.


program CoglHandle

A CoglHandle for a linked program.

uniform_location int

The uniform location retrieved from cogl_program_get_uniform_location().

n_components int

The number of components for the uniform. For example with glsl you’d use 3 for a vec3 or 4 for a vec4.

count int

For uniform arrays this is the array length otherwise just pass 1

value An array of float

The new value of the uniform[s].

 The length of the array is specified in the count argument.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.